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melting ice caps

What's Causing Climate Change?


Burning fossil fuels - coal, oil and gas - releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere where carbon pollution blankets the Earth, traps in heat, and causes global warming. Deforestation and land-use exacerbates this problem...Read More...


The United States could shave as much as 28 percent off the amount of greenhouse gases it emits at fairly modest cost and with only small technology innovations, according to a new report.

A large share of the reductions could come from steps that would more than pay for themselves in lower energy bills...Read More...

Our Options & Solutions

solutions for global warming

By reducing emissions, energy conservation is an important part of lessening climate change. Energy conservation facilitates the replacement of non-renewable resources with renewable energy. Energy conservation is often the most economical solution to energy shortages...Read more...

stranded polar bears on melting ice, melting point ad

Polar Bears

polar bear with cub

Polar bear habitat is at risk from the effects of climate change. Around the world, climate change is threatening not only individual species such as polar bears, tigers, salmon, penguins and corals, but it is also posing potentially catastrophic...Read more...


forest conservation

The human progress through ages is throwing the challenges of saving nature from the ill effects of uncontrolled growth. Global warming, environmental pollution, light pollution, over Illuminance, etc. have become the signals of the impending danger in the times ahead to nature and human life...Read more...

Our Economy & Security

Capital Hill, Illustration

Commercial buildings can greatly increase energy efficiency by thoughtful design, with today's building stock being very poor examples of the potential of systematic energy efficient design...Read more...